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5 Rules for Email Marketing Success…

I love watching what super-marketers like Jeff Walker are doing.

Jeff’s success with email proves me completely wrong on something I said last week.

Yes, email marketing is losing effectiveness, but in the hands of a master like Jeff, the results can be stupendous.

And this doesn’t have to complicated. There are just five principles you need pay attention to:

1. Microtarget your list so people you are talking to feel like you are talking to just them.

2. Write influential, not just informative copy, to capture and hold your readers attention from one week or one campaign to the next.

3. Track your results in terms of opens, clicks and conversions, and tweak constantly according to what your audience is telling you by their actions

4. Automate, automate, automate – plan your campaigns out completely in advance, create them then let your system take over for you.

5. Pick one system and really master it – whether iContact, AWeber, Infusionsoft, Office Autopilot, Constant Contact, or whatever – get real clear on what it can do and put it to work for you. This kind of leverage can make a huge difference in your time invested, dollars returned.

It should be transparent, but you may be savvy enough to recognize that my system of choice is Infusionsoft. I know Kern and Walker don’t, but many of the top info-marketers I work with do. If you aren’t using it in your marketing, you really owe it to yourself to at least try it out. Visit for a free demo.

And if you really want to get good at Infusionsoft, treat yourself with my friend (and supergenius programmer) Bob Keen and his partner Micah’s Infusionsoft Mastery system at

Let me just wrap this up by saying, back in the day, my email system was a key part of making well over six figures in just a few months flipping houses.

No reason you can’t hit similar results with your email. Keep it simple. Just follow the principles I’ve outlined for you here and I think you’ll be one of the exceptions enjoying great success with your email.

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