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I probably shouldn’t tell you this…

Not to drop names, but recently I had lunch with Bob Bly.

You might have never heard of him, but he is one of THE top freelance B2B and direct response copywriters out there.

He’s written results-getting copy for successful campaigns in virtually any industry you can imagine.

He works hard but has a very profitable copywriting and info-products business. One of the keys to his success has been a weekly e-newsletter he sends out to his list of around 65,000.

When he asked a class of aspiring B2B copywriters – a fairly astute group including current and retiring doctors, business owners, and high level corporate and government exec’s – how many currently have an e-list, he was surprised (as was I) at how few were doing it.

If you’ve been opening my weekly e-letters for any length of time you know it’s a practice of mine and I can tell you one of the mainstays of my business as a copywriter and marketing consultant.

When done effectively, it works beautifully for any business, so if you’re already publishing one you know what I’m talking about. (If not, now’s the time to start!)

Quick Poll: Do you send a weekly email to your prospects and customers?

So this week I want to share with you a way to double your open rates which, assuming you have an effective sales funnel in place could mean doubling your sales…

It’s a little secret I learned from Ryan Deiss.

It’s simple: whenever you send a broadcast, tag the people who opened and simply resend the same email a few days later to anybody who didn’t open it the first time.

Takes about five minutes and, at least in my experience just about doubles your open rate.

You’re not spamming people, since the odds are they didn’t open it the first time. And every time you send a broadcast, you typically get a fairly consistent percentage that will open it.

Do it twice and you’ve doubled the number of people checking you out… And buying your stuff!

The only caveat to this is that detecting an “open” is tricky – you may not get an exact count because tracking systems base detection on a single pixel image embedded in the email. If the user has their image settings turned to off, it won’t register.

By and large though, I’ve found this works extremely well and have had zero complaints. (Knock on wood…)

Maybe you’ve read one of my weekly e-letters on a Sunday. If so, it came to you because it looks like you didn’t open the Tuesday version. The good news is, I often edit on second pass, so you may be getting a better read.

There, I’ve given you one of my best secrets…

Now, go USE THIS STUFF!!  (Why? ‘cuz it ROCKS!)

Need Great Copy or new Marketing Ideas? Click Here for a FREE 30 minute marketing audit with Mike Connolly. Available for a limited time only until the few remaining slots are filled.

“I’d have made this shorter, but I just didn’t have the time.” ~ Mark Twain

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