Local Marketing Agency Offering Local SEO Services

Point A to Point B (The Sale)

Ever wish you had a magic wand, or maybe a remote control that would let you make people buy your stuff?

What I’m about to share with you may be about as close as it gets to doing exactly that…

The secret to getting people to take action is to take them from Point A to Point B in their belief system.

If you’ve ever read the book, “When Prophecy Fails”, or dozens of other books on the subject, you realize the power that belief systems hold over most people. Think Werner Erhard and Est, Jim Jones and Kool-Aid. When you tap into that power, it really is darn near like having a remote control.

Now this is powerful stuff, so I trust you will use it ethically. I also assume you absolutely know without a doubt that your customers lives are enhanced when they buy from you. That being said, let’s dive in…

Suppose you own XYZ contracting company that installs solar panel systems for homeowners. You know your ideal customer profile, and you probably have a pretty good sense of their fears, frustrations and disappointments. This is your Point A.

What belief system does that homeowner need have locked in place before before they’ll plunk down a check for a few thousand bucks on your system?

You might have different belief maps for different products and buyer profiles, but here’s what one might look like:

  1. I want to save money
  2. I’m a savvy consumer and everyone will recognize that when they see what a smart investment I’ve made
  3. I want to be a good steward of the environment
  4. I don’t want to get ripped off
  5. I only want to work with people I like
  6. Solar panels can help you save money
  7. Solar panels are good for the environment
  8. I can afford the initial investment
  9. The investment will very likely pay off in a reasonable amount of time, let’s say three years, resulting in savings in all the following years
  10. XYZ company has the best combination of price, guarantee, reputation, service and product.
  11. I like and trust these guys
  12. If I don’t take action by X date, their prices may go up, their installation time may increase or the government incentives will evaporate.
  13. There is no better way for me to get what I want which is to save money, look smart, not get ripped off and feel like I’m doing something good for the environment.

This is your Point B. Can you see how the job of marketing in this scenario is to make sure that every belief has clicked into place?

Now here’s the bad news…

It will take a little effort on your part to go through each product or service you offer, map out the beliefs that are in place when people buy from you and then make sure your content compels them to buy into each one, and finally the whole picture.

You weave it all together with proof, logic, facts, figures, testimonials, stories, demonstrations. You are successful when prospects feel like they have to have what you’ve got for them.

Not easy, and very few will even make the attempt, much less succeed. But watch the marketers and sales pro’s who are good at it. Look at their sales and profits, see if you can guess how well they’re doing.

I look forward to hearing what a difference this little strategy will make for you. Or of any questions you may have. I am committed to your success.

– Mike Connolly

*Much credit for this concept goes to Rich Shefren of Strategic Profits who, as far as I know, coined the term “chain of beliefs” in the context of his Evergreen Event Driven Marketing (EEDM) system.


“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” – Muhammad Ali


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