Local Marketing Agency Offering Local SEO Services

Your Core Message

Let’s agree that YOU have a great, unique message to convey to your customers, prospects and to the world.  (You do – trust me.)

So, what is this message?

Here’s a 7 point checklist to develop and articulate the core message that you deliver throughout your marketing. You may find it challenging at first, but if you’re like me, you’ll be very glad you slogged through it.

(Please don’t mind my examples – I’m not trying to pitch you, just sharing what I’ve put together for my freelance copywriting/consulting business.)

1. Your Lead In – In seven words or less, what do you do for your client/customer/patient? (e.g, “Mike Connolly helps entrepreneurs make more money.”)

2. Prospect’s Pain Points – What keeps them up at night? (e.g, “You’re sick and tired of paying for expensive advertising with very little to show for it.”)

3. Vision of prospect’s desired results, ie “pain relief” (e.g, “Suppose for every dime you spent on advertising, you got two or more back?”)

4. Obstacles to those results (e.g, “You’ve never been able to do that and nobody else in your industry is doing it, so, you wonder, why should you expect anything different? That’s just ‘how it is’, especially in this lousy economy…”)

5. How to get there (e.g, “You have to break out of your old, ‘advertising victim’ mentality and start implementing effective, accountable, direct response marketing, even if you need to hire an expert or coach to help you.”)

6. Why you are the best vehicle (e.g, “Mike Connolly not only ‘gets it’ about direct response marketing, but provides a customized solution that you can put to work right away for greater profitability and measurable marketing ROI.”)

7. Your Call To Action, (e.g, “Call 303-444-6644 or visit http://bit.ly/strategy-session-free for a free 60 minute consultation today.”)

Do that for your business, and you will enjoy greater clarity and ease of marketing implementation – not to mention profitability – as I have.

To learn more about how I can help you develop and deploy your core message for greater profitability, click here for a free 60 minute marketing consultation.

Mike Connolly
– Committed to your success


“All my life, I always wanted to be somebody.
Now I see that I should have been more specific.”
~ Lily Tomlin


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