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Create A Facebook Ad Campaign For $100 Or Less

how to create a facebook ad campaign for $100

If you want to create a Facebook ad campaign that brings people in at a very low cost, check this…

Recently, a friend of mine here in Boulder invited me to speak at her meetup.

To promote it, we shot a 3-minute video in front of the restaurant where the event was going to happen.

It was a simple video…

We just told attendees what the presentation was about, why, when and where they needed to to show up, and how to buy tickets…

So I posted the video on my Facebook business page, and promoted it.

It cost me $100 to reach about 12,000 people in a 10 mile radius.


Well, it was a small group, I mean like seven people besides Nancy and me…

But a couple of folks (almost a third of the total) said they wouldn’t have come if they hadn’t seen the ad.

And that doesn’t count people who were reminded and/or more excited to be there due to seeing the ad.

So, at the event, my presentation generated three leads.

Over the last 12 months, the average Annual Client Value (ACV) for my business has averaged $21,113.50.

My average closing ratio (conservatively) is around 33% (It’s typically higher for warm and hot leads, but these were pretty much “cold” leads).

If just one of those three leads becomes a client, or refers one, the numbers would seem to indicate that, over the next 6-12 months, that little $100 ad could well produce an ROI of somewhere in the neighborhood of 7,038 percent.

(Eat your heart out, Warren Buffet.)

Unrealistic? Perhaps…

The final tally isn’t in yet, and not every business has the same ACV…

And these results aren’t typical.

In fact, expect to do a LOT less, especially when you start out.

But can you see the potential?

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Okay, so here’s how to create a Facebook ad campaign for $100 or less:

  1. Create a post with a call to action and a link to click
  2. Make the thing your audience clicks on sexy, but not salesy. In other words, offer something entertaining, enlightening or inspiring — NOT something for sale… yet. (We’ll get to that later, don’t you worry.)
  3. Facebook will offer to promote it for you. Let them. Set your budget to $100 or less until your ad is tested and a proven winner.

That’s all there is to it.

And the best part?

You can’t lose… You’ll either win or learn.

So give it a shot.

Now if you’d like to create a Facebook ad campaign that really rocks, check out what Molly Pittman has to say here in this interview with the good folks over at SEMrush:

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