Create A Facebook Ad Campaign For $100 Or Less

If you want to create a Facebook ad campaign that brings people in at a very low cost, check this… Recently, a friend of mine here in Boulder invited me to speak at her meetup. To promote it, we shot a 3-minute video in front of the restaurant where the event was going to happen.…
The Lost Art Of Customer Creation
It was a gorgeous spring day, birds singing, cobalt blue skies, gentle breeze, the whole nine yards… Tom and I were standing in front of his facility in a heavy industrial district in Denver. We’d just returned from the greasy spoon Mexican restaurant around the corner where I’d bought him lunch – and he turned…
Getting Past Media Overwhelm
When facebook launched its beta version of Graph Search last week, the media landscape rumbled yet again. Does that mean you should go after it? If you have a lifestyle business, maybe. Even if you don’t, hang on, this isn’t just about facebook… In Graph Search, somebody can look for “yoga classes in south Denver…
Long or Short Form Sales Letter – Which Works Better?
I get this question a lot. So just for grins, let’s take a look at a couple of masters and see how they’ve handled it. Abe Lincoln could say in a few short sentences what it would take others whole books to explain. At Gettysburg, he spoke only 266 words lasting less than five minutes.…
Your mission, should you choose to accept it…
With a scant 35 days left in 2012, Santa busily making all kinds of toys, Texas talking about seceding from the Union and Austin getting ready to secede from Texas, Larry Hagman has left us. Larry as you may recall, played the notorious J.R. Ewing, the “most beloved villain in television” in “Dallas”, one of…
Try Something Old For A Change
Well it appears that real people using the web are finally getting a stronger say than webmasters tricking search engines into sending visitors their way. A little over two weeks ago, on October 16, Google posted this article on the Webmaster Central Blog: “A new tool to disavow links” The article tells webmasters how they…
Operating in a Competitive Vacuum
What’s the biggest hole in your marketing? If you said lead generation, you would be in the majority. But, like the majority, odds are, you’d be wrong… The dirty little secret among marketing consultants is that lead generation is what most business owners think they need, when in reality what they need is a lot…
Godzilla vs. Facebook
This week Facebook surpassed a billion users. But the giant Google has awakened from it’s social slumber and is on the war path, armed with it’s antidote to Facebook, Google Plus. So, taking a tip from my kids, today we ask… “In a fight to the death, who would win – Godzilla or King Kong?”…
Where SEO meets Social
There’s a convergence happening on the ‘net that you need to understand. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been and remains the best strategy for long term traffic to your web site. That’s in contrast to Pay-Per-Click (PPC), which tends to get you a quicker hit, but requires ongoing reinvestment. However, it’s important to realize that…
Online Reviews: Help, or Hindrance?
Have you got a love/hate relationship with social media? Don’t know which to fear more – missing out on a potential marketing channel, or wasting unproductive time there? Major corporate players – and possibly your competition – are ramping up their investment in social media. Does that mean you should? Here’s the first question to…