A View from the Summit

OK, so I just arrived at the Glazer-Kennedy Information Marketing Summit in Baltimore.

And speaking of Dan Kennedy, before I tell you more about the summit, you know the way to lose customers is to lose touch with them, right?

One way to keep in touch and build instant rapport is to tickle their funny bone.

For dozens of tips on exactly how to do that, I highly recommend “Make ‘Em Laugh and Take Their Money” by Dan Kennedy.

I’m really looking forward to hearing Dan talk about “Herd-Building” on Sunday here at the conference.

You can’t record audio, video or shoot any pic’s at the conference itself, but here’s the view from my room on the 17th floor of the Mariott Waterfront;

View from Premier Coaching Conference in Baltimore

Premier Coaching Summit begins, "Overlooking the Harbor"

Bill really scored on booking this property – what do you think…

More to the point, I’ll see if I can get interviews with some of the worlds most dynamic entrepreneurs here for the summit – what would you like to see?