“Headless Body in a Topless Nightclub”?
If you were at the 1:00 PM workshop on driving traffic at the Boulder Digital Arts Open House on April 24, 2010, you know what I’m talking about…
Great turnout at BDA, lotsa’ folks looking for ways to drive traffic, build their businesses, lots of creative “zap” in the air, you could feel it.
But here’s a question I didn’t hear anybody mention – is Google already past its prime? Word’s out that people are finding you on, and in this order, video, blogs, Facebook and then Google, with video sites like YouTube driving about 45% of the traffic.
Point is, keep your SEO going, but make sure you have your video strategy locked on and firing.
This site is all about building your business through effective direct response marketing, so let’s hear what your toughest sales and marketing challenge is and we’ll find you a solution.