Operating in a Competitive Vacuum

What’s the biggest hole in your marketing? If you said lead generation, you would be in the majority. But, like the majority, odds are, you’d be wrong… The dirty little secret among marketing consultants is that lead generation is what most business owners think they need, when in reality what they need is a lot…

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Godzilla vs. Facebook

This week Facebook surpassed a billion users. But the giant Google has awakened from it’s social slumber and is on the war path, armed with it’s antidote to Facebook, Google Plus. So, taking a tip from my kids, today we ask… “In a fight to the death, who would win – Godzilla or King Kong?”…

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What’s the Secret to Attracting Ravenous Fans to Your Business that’s Older than Man’s Discovery of Fire?

…reveals the Secret to Attracting Ravenous Fans to Your Business that’s Older than Man’s Discovery of Fire

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