The Secret to UNSTOPABLE Growth
What I’m about to share with you changes everything. But it’s not for everybody… What if you could grow your business 30% – not just once, but reliably, year after year? Might be kinda’ fun, huh? New house, new car, more time off from work, money in the bank… Unfortunately, the typical entrepreneur gets so…
How to Double Your Daily Output
After long hours of study, last week I finally submitted my test and application for status as an official “Dan Kennedy Certified Copywriter for Info-Marketers”. At the same time, I also got slammed with new client work and have been scrambling to keep up with it all, while getting ready for nine days on the…
Try Something Old For A Change
Well it appears that real people using the web are finally getting a stronger say than webmasters tricking search engines into sending visitors their way. A little over two weeks ago, on October 16, Google posted this article on the Webmaster Central Blog: “A new tool to disavow links” The article tells webmasters how they…
Where the Big Fish Bite
On a cold, wet day October day recently I was talking to the folks at our local farmer’s market who sell wild caught, environmentally harvested Alaskan salmon. Here in Colorado, the farmer’s market shuts down from November to March, so I asked, what do you guys do during the winter? Turns out they sell to…
Operating in a Competitive Vacuum
What’s the biggest hole in your marketing? If you said lead generation, you would be in the majority. But, like the majority, odds are, you’d be wrong… The dirty little secret among marketing consultants is that lead generation is what most business owners think they need, when in reality what they need is a lot…
Godzilla vs. Facebook
This week Facebook surpassed a billion users. But the giant Google has awakened from it’s social slumber and is on the war path, armed with it’s antidote to Facebook, Google Plus. So, taking a tip from my kids, today we ask… “In a fight to the death, who would win – Godzilla or King Kong?”…
Between Now and the End of the Year
It gets hot in Pennsylvania in the summers. It also rains a lot, all year ’round. (Well maybe except this year…) Summers when I was in high school, I framed houses with a crew of wild bucks [read insane post-adolescent males] who would roll into a new job site with nothing but a foundation in…
Where SEO meets Social
There’s a convergence happening on the ‘net that you need to understand. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been and remains the best strategy for long term traffic to your web site. That’s in contrast to Pay-Per-Click (PPC), which tends to get you a quicker hit, but requires ongoing reinvestment. However, it’s important to realize that…
Online Reviews: Help, or Hindrance?
Have you got a love/hate relationship with social media? Don’t know which to fear more – missing out on a potential marketing channel, or wasting unproductive time there? Major corporate players – and possibly your competition – are ramping up their investment in social media. Does that mean you should? Here’s the first question to…
Obama Winning on the Web
Political campaigns bring out some of the best – and worst – marketing in the world, wouldn’t you agree? Fortunately, here in the U.S. we’ve got front row seats to what might be called “The Greatest Show on Earth”, (for marketing case studies) our current presidential election campaigns. Unfortunately for the Romney campaign, Obama’s team…