Leveraging Business Relationships

Picture this… It’s Monday morning and the new product line that you’ve invested countless hours and not a few dollars into launches in three days. Then, the contractor you hired to cut and stick labels to bottles and jars of your new product (in this real life example, a skin care line), who’s been dragging…

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Entrepreneurial Mastery

It takes about 10,000 hours to achieve mastery in a particular field, according to Malcom Gladwell, author of The Tipping Point. Monty Hall, host of 70’s hit TV show “Let’s Make a Deal” said, “Actually, I’m an overnight success, but it took twenty years.” Several years back when I was teaching music at the University…

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3 Keys to Content Marketing Success [How to Write Your Own Paycheck with Content Marketing]

“Somebody said to me, ‘But the Beatles were anti-materialistic.’ That’s a huge myth. John and I literally used to sit down and say, ‘Now, let’s write a swimming pool.’” (Paul McCartney) Of course, they wrote and played stunningly brilliant music. But what’s instructive is, how could they have done it without their fan base? Without…

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Marketing Content for Small Business; A Sure-Fire Method for Building Client-Getting SEO

Hemingway said, “Writing is easy. You just sit down at the typewriter and start bleeding.” Ever sat there staring at a computer screen or blank piece of paper wondering what to say while time is a wastin’? Tick, tick, tick… One of the toughest things about being a perfectionist in business is you’ve normally got…

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One of the Best Marketing Ideas for Small Business…

Remember the original name of the George Foreman Grill? (Not a trick question…) I don’t know if you realize what a runaway hit this product was, but called the “George Foreman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine” it was netting George $4.5 million a month during its heyday. He made $139M when Salton finally bought him…

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3 Timeless Business Success Principles

So this group of tribal African kids all listen as they are given the instructions to a game. “I will place this basket full of fresh fruits over there under that tree. Then, we will have a race. The first to reach the basket will be the winner of all the fruits.” The man who…

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The Courage To Fail

Wham! A jolt wakes up from your sleep in the back seat and out the windshield you see this deer flying about forty feet before it hits the blacktop in a crumpled heap, DOA. All of a sudden all you and your fellow passengers have is a smashed up car that won’t budge and no…

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I probably shouldn’t tell you this…

Not to drop names, but recently I had lunch with Bob Bly. You might have never heard of him, but he is one of THE top freelance B2B and direct response copywriters out there. He’s written results-getting copy for successful campaigns in virtually any industry you can imagine. He works hard but has a very…

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Is it a Slogan… or U.S.P.?

At a recent GKIC Chapter meeting in Denver, a question that got a lot of attention was “What’s the difference between a USP and a “by line”, or slogan?” It comes up a lot, and I know I’ve struggled with it myself, but let me see if I can sort it out for you. Once…

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Converting Web Traffic to Sales

If you had a nickel for every email, web page, blog post, and Adwords ad about “getting traffic”, you’d be wealthy beyond belief… In fact, there’s so much talk about traffic and lead generation, you’d think a business could thrive on buzz alone (Works for Madonna, right?) but it’s sort of like a dog chasing…

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