3 Keys to a Killer Webinar

What if you could deliver a great webinar and make two, five, ten even forty thousand dollars or more all in an afternoon from the comfort of your home or office? Well, with a little preparation, a quality product and a receptive audience, you can absolutely do it. My friend and colleague Joel Peterson made…

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3 Secrets to Closing the Sale

I’ve been reading Zig Ziglar’s classic book, Secrets of Closing the Sale. It’s really good, I mean this is a great read… So let me share with you just three little things you can put into practice right away for better results starting this week. 1. Take a general idea of something someone else is…

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Scalable, Residual Income

Last week Infusionsoft announced they acquired CustomerHub. This is great news for ANY business owner. In fact, Kyle (or was it Nathan?) Leavitt challenged anyone to contact him with a reason their business couldn’t benefit from using CustomerHub. So Why Should You Care? I’d like to introduce you to my friend and client Kenny Chapman,…

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A Case Study in Progress…

It’s election day here in the People’s Republic of Boulder. (I know, it’s a little weird… Boulder prides itself on being weird) Anyway, here’s a technique I’m been testing. I like what I’m seeing so far, am tweaking as I go, and it’s too early to say if it’s a keeper, but I thought you…

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Copywriting “Coincidence”?

Last week, all in one day I got to attend our local GKIC-Colorado chapter meeting, featuring Mara Glazer describing (at mind-numbing speed) how Glazer-Kennedy made an additional seven figures in 278 days using “alternative media” and then later that same day another presentation by Matt Gillogly on strategies Perry Marshall has used to attain his…

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How to Sell a Chair

You’re lucky. I was going to write you a long winded message I that I penned a few days ago, but when I looked at it just now, I decided to scrap it. Instead, let me show how great, or even decent copywriting can make a world of difference in your business… True Story: I…

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SOME Marketers Are Liars…

OK, so who’s lying?  Only the marketers who are getting it right. Let me explain. Effective marketing is about authentic story telling that engenders trust in a suspicious world. Marketers who get this tell us consumers the lies we really want to hear. As Seth Godin says, “We really believe that wine tastes better in…

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Steve Jobs on Resilience

Steve Jobs life inspired me from the start, inspires me now and always will .  There are so many points of light shining from his star in my universe…  here’s one, on the essence of resilience and making a comeback: In his famous commencement talk, “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”,  he said, “I didn’t see it…

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Why Givers Gain

There’s a saying that “Giver’s Gain” and it really struck home for me several times last week… “Tune in” and you’ll notice it in a variety of situations and on different levels. In an obvious example, Russell Brunson put up a video on his blog showing David Frey leading 65 kids kids in Kenya, cheering…

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How Money is Made…

I read an astonishing article several weeks back in Entrepreneur magazine.  I don’t know if it was just plain stupidity or ignorance, but somehow the editor let pass an article in which the author was pontificating on how to hire a copywriter.  Incredibly, he said the best copywriters are art historians.  Excuse me… We all,…

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